Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic organ prolapse is common, yet can greatly impact your life. We help women who are experiencing symptoms like pelvic pain, bowel and bladder dysfunction that are interfering with participation in once enjoyable activities. We are here for you if you are undergoing surgery for prolapse, both prior to and after a surgical procedure. We will assist you in improving symptoms that are bothering you and help you prevent the symptoms from getting worse. We aim to help you live life pain free, with control and freedom over pelvic prolapse symptoms.

Signs of Pelvic Organ Prolapse

People experiencing prolapse can have symptoms like pelvic heaviness, a bulge in the vagina, difficulties with bladder or bowel function, and low back aching. Sometimes these symptoms begin after childbirth, however, it can also develop gradually over time. Connective tissue conditions can contribute to muscle laxity and greater risk for prolapse. For many people, these problems can worsen over the course of the day, and may worsen with increased activity or exercise.

How Prolapse Occurs

Prolapse occurs when there is a loss of support in the fascial and muscular structures around the vagina near the bladder, uterus and rectum. The pelvic muscles work in combination with the ligamentous and fascial structures to provide organ support and coordinated movement. Pressure exerts a downward force and if not managed, can negatively impact the pelvic muscles and organs may move into places they are not meant to be. This shifting is caused by excess pressure on the structures such as: during pregnancy whether c-section or vaginal delivery, birthing a baby, high impact sports, constipation, repetitive bowel straining, poor elimination habits, pushing urine out.

APH Helps With Prolapse Dysfunction

Since prolapse is a supportive problem, it is important to consider the systems involved and build strategies to best optimize pressure on pelvic structures. Symptoms can be managed by restoring optimal function and coordination of pelvic floor muscles, breath pattern and postural strategies, positional support, and at times use of pessary or other supportive devices. Having pelvic floor rehabilitation is an effective way to avoid or prevent prolapse, manage symptoms and avoid surgical intervention, and maintain a surgical repair undergone and maintain its integrity.

Common prolapse problems we can treat:

Feeling of Heaviness, Something is Falling Out
Splinting for Bowel Elimination
Pelvic Organ Prolapse Interfering with Voiding
Pain with
Inability to Wear a Tampon or Menstrual Cup

Our Expert Pelvic Health Occupational Therapists Are Here To Help

At Ascend, we help women like you attain optimal pelvic health so you can feel confident and pain free throughout all phases of life from early adulthood into advanced years. We start by conducting a comprehensive exam to identify what may be contributing to the problems you are experiencing. We build a holistic, individualized care program that not only focuses on your pelvic floor, but also takes into account the interconnected systems of your body. We then help you get results using our proven therapeutic techniques.


Manual therapies include myofascial release or visceral mobilization to help improve muscle length and sensitivity around the pelvis.

Specific exercises aiming to improve tension and length in certain muscles around the pelvis and body, or strengthening for stability if needed.

We have the capacity to utilize modalities like surface-EMG biofeedback, e-stimulation for neuromuscular reeducation and muscle activation.

Nervous-system strategies to help improve nerve sensitivity, sensory regulation, breath work, mindfulness.

Education to help you optimize your basic daily life functions like toileting, bowel and bladder function, sexual health, and sleep, pessary options

Postural retraining and specific strategies to improve your body mechanics, movement, and intra-abdominal pressure management.

Comfort, Control, and Freedom

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